Freebie: Valentine's Day Gift Tags
Even though many people don't like this holiday much because they think is a commercial sham, or they feel pressure to be in a couple, or hate the marketing campaigns that try to convince us that is better to be in a pair than on our own, here at la Lilú we love Valentine's Day, not only because it is Val's namesake, but because we are lovers of love, don't get us wrong we absolutely hate corny, cheesy and sappy stuff (i.g. The Notebook), but we are romantics at heart.
We consider Valentine's Day to be a day to celebrate not just romantic love, but all types of love and friendship, our mom always bought us each a present on this day, and as adults we, with our little sister, exchange gifts every year. It's not just a celebration for couples, so you shouldn't feel pressured to have a boyfriend or girlfriend on this day, besides is fun because there's candy and is a good excuse to gift your friends, your family members, or yourself something sweet. On that note, we made these vintage-inspired gift tags to dress up your gifts, and you can download them for free.
We consider Valentine's Day to be a day to celebrate not just romantic love, but all types of love and friendship, our mom always bought us each a present on this day, and as adults we, with our little sister, exchange gifts every year. It's not just a celebration for couples, so you shouldn't feel pressured to have a boyfriend or girlfriend on this day, besides is fun because there's candy and is a good excuse to gift your friends, your family members, or yourself something sweet. On that note, we made these vintage-inspired gift tags to dress up your gifts, and you can download them for free.
* Click here to download the English version, enjoy and have a great Valentine's Day!
We hope you like these gift tags as much as we do and that they're useful to you. If you use them and love them remember to share photos and to tag us with @holalalilu and #lalilucrafts so we can see them.
We hope you like these gift tags as much as we do and that they're useful to you. If you use them and love them remember to share photos and to tag us with @holalalilu and #lalilucrafts so we can see them.
¡Hola, el Día de San Valentín es el domingo!
A pesar de que a muchas personas no les gusta mucho esta fiesta porque piensan que es una farsa comercial, o sienten la presión de estar en una pareja, o detestan las campañas de mercadeo que intentan convencernos de que es mejor estar en un par que solas/os, aquí, en La Lilú nos encanta el Día de San Valentín, no sólo porque es el santo de Val, sino porque somos amantes del amor, no nos malinterpreten, absolutamente odiamos cosas cursi, empalagosas y ñoñas (p. ej. The Notebook), pero somos románticas de corazón.
Consideramos el día de San Valentín un día para celebrar no sólo el amor romántico, sino todos los tipos de amor y la amistad, nuestra madre siempre nos compraba un presente a cada una en este día, y como adultas, junto con nuestra hermanita, intercambiamos regalos todos los años. No es sólo una celebración para parejas, por lo que no deben sentirse presionadas/os a tener un novio o novia en este día, además es divertido porque hay dulces y es una buena excusa para regalarles a tus amigos, miembros de tu familia, o a ti misma/o algo dulce. En ese sentido hemos hecho estas etiquetas de regalos inspiradas en un estilo "vintage" para adornar tus regalos, y los puedes descargar de forma gratuita.
* Haz clic aquí para descargar la versión en español. ¡Disfruten y que pasen un gran Día de San Valentín!
Esperamos que estas etiquetas te gusten tanto como a nosotras y que te sean útiles. Si las usas y te encantan recuerda compartir fotos y etiquetarnos con @holalalilu y #lalilucrafts para que podamos verlas.
Esperamos que estas etiquetas te gusten tanto como a nosotras y que te sean útiles. Si las usas y te encantan recuerda compartir fotos y etiquetarnos con @holalalilu y #lalilucrafts para que podamos verlas.
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