Color Your Life Lime Punch


Color inspiration yellow, green, chartreuse, gold lime, photography, nature, flowers, leaves, drinks, glass, moldboard, collage

Hi, happy May! Lime Punch is a sharp and pungent yellow-green, that hits a chord with its strident and striking citrus like presence in the Spring. Color your life Lime Punch!


¡Hola, feliz mayo! Ponche de Lima es un verde amarillento agudo y penetrante, que toca un acorde con su estridente y llamativa presencia cítrica en la primavera. ¡Colorea tu vida Ponche de Lima!

Leaf Detail by Nico Morgan.
Corning Glass Museum by Raina.
Kendra Scott Boxes by Heather Rowland for Style Me Pretty.
Banana Leaf by Mark Roy.
Sparkling Pineapple-Lime Punch by BulkUpload via Kraft Recipes.
Flowers in a vase by Kristi from Life Through The Lens.

Credits: All photographs are copyrighted to their respective owners.
Créditos: Los derechos de todas las imágenes son propiedad de sus respectivos dueños.
Text source: Pantone.
Fuente texto: Pantone.

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