Hi, hope you had a great April! This month was a creative one around these parts, we celebrated three of our favorite things: creativity, the Earth and books. We hope that you enjoyed and that you found useful and interesting all the content that we prepared for you with love. These are our latest finds and favorites from around the web, enjoy and...
Hi, happy World Book Day fellow bibliophiles!!! As it's our tradition we have a special bookish printable gift for you today. As readers, we'd love to spend our days reading 24/7 but life it's always getting in our way with you know, work, family, and other responsibilities. We often face the dilemma, having so many things to do, of whether we should take the...
Hi, happy Earth Day! Today we celebrate our home, Mother Earth, and as cliché, as this may sound, we believe that every day should be Earth Day, we should celebrate our planet by making an effort to take care of it every single day, because, newsflash!! there's no planet B. We are great advocates of living with intention and we believe that part...
Hi, this is our last post dedicated to World Creativity and Innovation Week, hope you had a very creative week and that the information we shared is useful and inspiring to you. If you missed our posts, read why we think creating just for the love of it is important for everyone and how to pursue your curiosity to foster creativity. As we...
Hi, today as part of World Creativity & Innovation Week we're talking about curiosity, and how important it is to foster creativity. If you missed Monday's post read it here. In today's world more and more employers and companies are recognizing that creativity is one of the most important assets in the workforce, and therefore are always looking for ways to foster, encourage,...
Hi, this week besides being Holy week (for those who celebrate), it's also World Creativity and Innovation Week, and as it's our tradition we'll be sharing content dedicated to creativity throughout the week. We're starting the week with a topic that is near and dear to our hearts, that is creating for the sake of creativity, making and doing stuff just for the love...