La Lilú: 2020

Finds & Faves Vol. 86

Hello, it's the end of 2020. This was a hard year but it left us with many lessons learned and a lot of gratitude. We hope that you and yours are safe and healthy, if you are sick we wish you a speedy recovery and if you have lost a loved one our hearts are with you. We hope that despite this year's difficulties...


book lover

Seasons of Books: Winter 2020-21

Hello, happy winter solstice! We've said it before and we're saying it again, books are the best refuge to escape to during difficult times and a great shelter against the winter blues. These are the books that will keep us company during this winter season that will be spent mostly at home, along with their publishers' descriptions. There are books for different tastes...



Freebie: Tartan/Plaid Christmas Printable Stationery

🇪🇸 Español debajo.Hello, we hope you're having the most wonderful holiday season that you can have under our current circumstances.We want to help bring more joy and creativity to your holidays because we believe that we all need some magic in our lives right now. To help you do that we've made a printable stationery set inspired by Scottish tartan/plaid patterns with a...



7 Books that Will Give You Hope & Restore Your Faith in Humanity

Hi, we hope you're having an amazing and safe holiday season.With everything that is going on around the world, the pandemic and how most of our countries' "leaders" have failed us, how some of our fellow humans seem to not care about others, especially those most vulnerable and don't seem to care about the environment and other living beings either With all the...


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