Art We Love: Golly Bard


Watercolor artist painter Holly Ward Bimba, dip and ink lettering, nature, birds, insects

Holly Ward Bimba is the artist behind Golly Bard. She lives in Upperville, Virginia with her husband, Chuck and their two dogs, Ladybird and Cowboy. She paints mainly in watercolors and enjoys lettering with a dip pen and ink.
Her watercolor paintings are inspired by just about everything, but mostly by natural history, the curiosities of nature, all kinds of flora and fauna, the cycle of life, patterns, garden maps, things in jars, and miniatures of the Mughal court. She is drawn to the tiny details in nature and sees patterns everywhere, in the wings of butterflies, birds and moths, tree bark, leaves, and fungi.
We are in love with her Things In Jar series, her color palette and the detail in her work. You can follow her on Instagram, buy her paintings and prints as well as pillows and cushions here, fabric and wallpaper here, and her book, Drawn to Nature: A Sketchbook for the Naturalist here.

Holly Ward Bimba es la artista detrás de Golly Bard. Vive en Upperville, Virginia, con su marido, Chuck y sus dos perros, Ladybird y Cowboy. Ella pinta principalmente en acuarelas y disfruta dibujar letras con pluma y tinta.
Sus acuarelas se inspiran en casi todo, pero sobre todo por la historia natural, las curiosidades de la naturaleza, todo tipo de flora y fauna, el ciclo de la vida, los patrones, mapas de jardines, las cosas en frascos y miniaturas de la corte Mogol. Ella se siente atraída por los detalles minúsculos en la naturaleza y ve patrones por todas partes, en las alas de mariposas, pájaros y polillas, la corteza de los árboles, hojas, y hongos.

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